Nutrient Neutrality Guidance Update

Natural England have announced that nutrient neutrality requirements are to be extended to another 27 river catchments, covering 42 local authorities.

The new areas affected include parts of Wiltshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Cheshire, the Peak District, Yorkshire, Cumbria and Norfolk.  Developments in these areas are required to demonstrate nutrient neutrality before planning permission can be granted.

Nutrient neutrality ensures that there is no increase in nitrate and phosphate discharges arising from development so as to safeguard water quality and protect the water environment.

Cole Easdon have experience in undertaking Nutrient Neutrality Assessments for nitrates and phosphates, and can advise on mitigation measures.

Get in touch!

For a further discussion on this topic please contact: Dean Frosoni, Technical Director – / Tel: 01793 619965

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