The Role of the Travel Plan Co-ordinator
Looking for a Travel Plan Co-ordinator with comprehensive experience and a proven track record? We can help.
Many residential and commercial developments are often approved on the basis that they are carried out in accordance with an approved Travel Plan.
This proposes measures to encourage use of more sustainable modes of travel and to reduce the proportion of trips made by motor car.
A modal split target will be set as part of the Travel Plan to be achieved over a set period. A Travel Plan Co-ordinator will make sure that the measures are implemented and ensure that all aspects of the Plan are complied with. One of the main measures included in a TP is a Travel Information Pack.
This provides residents with information about local facilities in close proximity, walking and cycling routes, public transport services and ways to encourage people to travel by more sustainable modes. Vouchers and discounts are also offered which the TPC has negotiated with bus operators, cycle shops or car club operators.
Once a development has reached a certain level of occupation, Travel Plan monitoring will commence. Surveys ask residents about their travel patterns and habits, and their opinion on ways to encourage them to make more trips by sustainable modes.