Residential development of a vacant church hall in Barnet, London to provide 20 new homes.


MKM Developments Ltd.


Friern Barnet Lane, Whetstone, LB Barnet

Our Services:
Transport Planning

The scheme comprised the residential redevelopment of the former St John’s Church Hall site, Friern Barnet Lane, Barnet, London.

The scheme proposed 20 new homes, together with a communal outdoor amenity space. A total of 14 No. on-site parking spaces are also provided within a courtyard, while 28 No. cycle parking spaces are enclosed within a secure store at ground level. Vehicular access is achieved via one of the existing access arrangements off Friern Barnet Lane.

Our Experts’ Input:

Working with the Design Team, we helped to achieve an efficient layout on a constrained site, whilst demonstrating through Swept Path Analysis that appropriate space is provided for all deliveries and servicing to take place on site.

Following submission of the planning application, officers from the LB Barnet requested that day and nighttime on-street parking surveys be carried out, owing to concerns regarding the potential for overspill parking.

Our transport consultants commissioned and subsequently provided the LB Barnet officers with the results of these surveys, which demonstrated that any overspill parking, were it to occur at all, would likely be minimal, and could be easily absorbed within the existing on-street parking stock.

Speak to a specialist:

Doug Hickman

Director (Transport Planning)

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What our clients say…

“CE carried out the work we commissioned exactly as we would have wanted it in a courteous, friendly and professional manner.”

John Stuart Grant, Grantham Bros Ltd

“CE are great to deal with, their knowledgeable and professional approach was key to helping us achieve a very positive outcome.”

Robin Uttley, United Utilities

“Wonderful service, fast, thought-out and accurate. Assisted us greatly in getting our project scoped out and costed quickly and efficiently.”

Dominic Fry, Avebury Sports & Social Club

“CE offered our design practice a very thorough, friendly and professional highways report service that fully met our brief and within the timescales requested.”

Andrew Jackson, Sylva Group

“The consultant was knowledgeable, professional and efficient. Good value for money. I would highly recommend them.”

Julie Jeanes, Linwood School

“I work regularly with Cole Easdon on a variety of projects for different house builder clients. I have always found them to be very reliable and very pro-active when dealing with highway and drainage authorities.”

Roger Smith, Savills (Oxford)

“Without the professional support from Cole Easdon we would not have been able to challenge and prove the local planning department were incorrect regarding their comments made about our flood zone status.”

Rob Charman, Cuddra Aquatics

“It’s the personal (not corporate) approach you take on projects that I like.”

James Bulley, Trivandi

"CE are very professional, promote good relationships with Clients and provide good civil/drainage solutions on time."

Cidalia Teixeira, Clegg Associates

"They are a thoroughly professional and reliable company. They provide expert advice and support and their reports are first class. They are very willing to engage and give an opinion as to the best way to overcome a problem. Delightful to deal with too."

Andrew Bond, Client

"It's always a pleasure working with Cole Easdon, they understand what's being asked of them and provide accurate detailed information, to which we are extremely grateful."

Philip Jenkins, Clegg Associates